Pulse #8

Huck Institutes News | April 2020

COVID-19 Seed Grants Update

Here’s what our internal call-for-proposals yielded.

In a true “We Are…Penn State!” moment, we are pleased to announce the outcomes of the call we launched on March 3 to confront the coronavirus pandemic and marshal the university’s research capabilities.

Of the 110 proposals received, we managed to fund 47 research teams, encompassing the expertise of 130 faculty and staff from 54 different departments and research units across Penn State. External collaborators on specific projects include Cornell, Nebraska-Lincoln, NYU, UCLA, and the Yale School of Medicine.

You can view summaries of all 47 projects here and read the official university announcement here.

The $2.25 million pulled together in the effort will help Penn State prove what we can do – and hopefully bring in the dollars required to make a significant impact now and into the future. To follow the story of these efforts moving forward, subscribe to our podcast.

We are deeply grateful to the Office of the Vice President for Research and our fellow institutes for their critical support – the Social Sciences Research Institute, Materials Research Institute, Institute for Computational and Data Sciences, and Institutes of Energy and the Environment.

Additional thanks to the following Penn State players for providing supplemental funding: The Applied Research Laboratory, College of Agricultural Sciences, College of Engineering, College of Medicine, and Eberly College of Science.

Finally, we want to acknowledge the Herculean efforts of all the faculty and staff involved in making this thing happen. You did what needed to be done, and for that

We Are… So Grateful!”

C O M I N G   S O O N ! 

COVID-19 Research Briefs

As the Penn State community kicks into high gear confronting the many dimensions of the global coronavirus pandemic, The Symbiotic Podcast is collecting and sharing the stories behind the research. Subscribe now so you don’t miss out on conversations with the scientists working across disciplinary boundaries to make a real difference.