Pulse #40

Huck Institutes News | September 2023

Troy's Take

Of all Nature’s seasons, Fall is my favorite. Something about the cooling temperatures, the colors of the leaves transforming and the ripening, harvesting storage of crops reminds me that our world is perpetually in flux.

This year, Fall heralds more change than usual here at the Huck, and across Penn State.


Shearer and Koslicki named IGDP program chairs

Huck's Bioinformatics and Genomics and Integrative Physiology graduate programs have transitioned to new leadership.

Center for Root and Rhizosphere Biology appoints Burghardt director

When the Center for Root and Rhizosphere Biology (CRRB) meets for the first time this semester, at 2:30 on September 29 in 202 Ferguson, it will do so under new leadership.


Seed grants fund research collaborations with minority-serving institutions

Awardees have been selected for Penn State’s new Inter-Institutional Partnerships for Diversifying Research initiative.

Bubbles could reveal immune cell secrets

Penn State researchers develop novel bubble-based technique to watch immune cells at work.

Penn State leads testing of 58 wildlife species for SARS-CoV-2

Researchers will collect samples from wildlife to monitor for potential spillback to humans.

Freddie runs amok through Huck’s hard drives!

The latest episode of our Free-Range Science video series dives (quite literally) into the subject of computational biology.